


  • One-part, translucent, non-slumping RTV silicone adhesive
  • Based on a dimethyl silicone polymer
  • Non-corrosive cure
  • Shelf-life stability
  • Rapid curing
  • Excellent electrical insulation properties


  • As a sealing and caulking, adhesive or potting material for environmental protection of electronic assemblies and components where a non-corrosive cure is essential
  • As a coating for semi-conductors and integrated circuits
  • As an adhesive/sealant for electrical wires, terminals, mounting resistors and connectors
  • Ideal for overhead or side wall applications due to its non-slumping characteristics

Product Details

Property Average Result
Cure System Oxime
Extrusion Rate 70 g/minute
Lap Shear 485 psi (3.34 MPa)
Durometer 35 Type A
Appearance Translucent
Cure 7 days / RTV
Elongation 325 %
Flow Rate 0.5 in (12.7 mm)
Mix Ratio 1 PART
Non Volatile Content 100 %
Specific Gravity 1.1
Tack Free Time 25 minutes
Tear 40 ppi (7.05 kN/m)
Tensile 850 psi (5.86 MPa)
Comment Non-slump. Adhesive for a variety of substrates on or near electronic components. 485 psi (3.6 MPa), primed (SP-120) lap shear.

Encapsulation Technology

Watch our CareSil team explain the breakthrough Encapsulation Technology and demonstrate how easy it is to create transformative formulations with CES.

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The test data shown for this material is the average value for typical properties. All of these properties may not be tested on a lot to lot basis and cannot be used to draft specifications. Please contact NuSil for assistance and recommendations in establishing limits for product specifications.