


  • A platinum-divinyltetramethylsiloxane complex in a low molecular weight, functional vinyl polymer


  • For RTV and accelerated heat-curing of vinyl-functional silicone systems
  • For curing silicone polymer systems to form adhesives, sealant, rubbers and gels due to its reactive nature
  • Designed for use with optically clear, high refractive index silicone elastomer systems

Product Details

Property Average Result
Refractive Index 1.40
% Pt 2.5
Appearance Light Amber
Specific Gravity 0.98

Encapsulation Technology

Watch our CareSil team explain the breakthrough Encapsulation Technology and demonstrate how easy it is to create transformative formulations with CES.

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The test data shown for this material is the average value for typical properties. All of these properties may not be tested on a lot to lot basis and cannot be used to draft specifications. Please contact NuSil for assistance and recommendations in establishing limits for product specifications.